Because its not just about get things delivered

We select... Strictly

As we and our families are customers after all...
We select our drivers after mandatory:
1- Criminal Record report.
2- Personal interview.
3- Drug periodical tests.
4- Direct hiring that would insure commitment and accountability.
Extremely loyal Team, that we made sure about

All teams have their back covered by our Drivers' Benefits Package®

Medical Insurance

We provide our drivers full medical coverage, because our team is what matters at the end of the day

Accident Insurance

We got our team's back in terms of protecting their assets, we provide accident insurance to all of our drivers

Special Partnerships

Providing discounts on repair shops, petrol stations and even drivers' personal purchases

Special Bonuses

On certain logging sessions and number of orders, which will insure the drivers commitment .

Road Runner App... Simple, Trackable and insightful.

With our Rider app and Client's dashboard you can easily track your drivers' locations, average orders durations, drivers optimization, drivers assigning and much more...


Monthly trackable orders




Seconds Delay

Our Driver's image is a major concern.


Pricing. Simple and flexible

Whether you're looking to create just one project, or multiple project,
we have a plan that will best match your needs.

Find a plan that's right for you

No restricted plans

Monthly payment plan
Pay per order plan
Pay per hour plan
Mix plan

Frequently asked questions

01 Why would you choose RoadRunner?

RoadRunner is a different way dealing with your orders and valuable customers, focusing on the quality of handling and treating these two main elements of your delivery business can grant you a huge increase in sales and customers loyalty.

02 What would your Quality last?

Our quality is our value proposition, we believe that any service which is not based on this value will fade very soon, that why we are investing massively in para-services and benefits for both vendor and Runner® which we can run the business without.

03 Why should i be a Runner®?

Your are the most valuable asset, thats why we are investing massively to insure your comfort and safety not only on a professional level but also in your daily lifestyle activities with our very own Drivers’ Benefits Package®